Producción ganadera
Productos y servicios
Cría y Engorde de ganado porcino principalmente.
Otras explotaciones de ganado
Explotación de ganado porcino
Otras explotaciones de ganado
Explotación de ganado porcino
Raising of other animals
Raising of swine/pigs
The company is engaged in hog and pig farming. It was incorporated in the year 1985 and it conducts business from its registered head office which is strategically located in Cati, Spain. The company's farming activities, include breeding, raising, feeding, feed production, butchering and processing, distribution and marketing-in the process of getting hogs from the weaning pen to the market place. The company also produces meats which are prepared in many ways, such as fresh, frozen, steaks, stews, fondue, or as dried meat. In addition, the company sells sandwich meats which include sausages, ham, fresh and frozen pork meat, and salami.